Holistic Resources
We offer the resources on this page as a service to our clients and visitors.
"The energies moving into the earth at this time provide a profound opportunity to expand our consciousness, to remember who we are, and to enjoy life the way it was intended - without suffering. Every area of our lives is being re-shaped, re-wired and re-membered. The old systems are now breaking down and new ones are taking their place. Out of chaos, we have the opportunity to make a quantum leap to the next evolutionary level."
Holistic Websites:
We have worked with the holistic practitioners listed below, and recommend their services to assist you on your path.
Debbie Carcuffe at Portal of Healing, Chester, NJ: www.portalofhealing.com
Donna at Willow Moon Herbals, Schooley's Mtn, NJ: www.willowmoonherbals.com
Donna at The Elemental Whisperer: Schooley's Mtn, NJ: www.elementalwhisperer.com
Tracey and Donna at Grace of Angels: Chester, NJ: www.graceofangels.org
Joan and Val at Under Angel's Wings, Chester, NJ: www.underangelswings.com
Kimarie Santiago at Saltopia Salts, Long Valley, NJ: www.saltopiasalts.com
Leslie Treloar at Meditations on Aanandha: http://meditationsonaanandha.blogspot.com/
Lisa Nixon at The Awakened Rose, Andover, NJ: www.theawakenedrose.com
Lynn Pridmore at Spirit Healing and Wellness, Chester, NJ: www.spirithealingandwellness.com
Lynn and Debbie at Center for the Soul, Chester, NJ: www.centerforthesoul.net
Maryrose Petrizzo at Custom Ceremonies 4 U, Delaware: www.customceremonies4u.com
Nancy Weber at Lightwing Center, Denville, NJ: www.lightwingcenter.org
Natalya Barth at Natalya's Interiors, Mendham, NJ: www.natalyasinteriors.com
Phyllis Alise McGeehan at Of the Sol: Morristown, NJ: www.facebook.com/ofthesol
Russ Berger at Aragon Lights: Chester & Paterson, NJ: www.aragonlights.com
Sal at Jindao Life: Whippany, NJ: www.jindaolife.com
Sharon Gabriel at Intiate Healing, Chester, NJ: www.initiatehealing.com
Sue Freeman at The Art of the Heart, Chester, NJ: www.theartoftheheart-chester.com
Susan Pedersen at Black-eyed Susan, Chester, NJ: www.blackeyedsusanart.com
Tracey at The Light of the Heart, Belvidere, NJ: www.thelightoftheheart.com
For those seeking a 'local ' Spiritualists National Union Church here in the USA:
Rev. Janet Nohavec at The Journey Within, Pompton Lakes, NJ: www.thejourneywithin.org
Ascension and Metaphysical Websites/Facebook:
Resources, Angelic and Ascension-related sites to assist you with consciousness evolution at this important time of transitional shift and awakening awareness.
Patricia Cota-Robles at Era of Peace, Tucson, AZ: http://www.eraofpeace.org/
Ilona Hress at Explore Life in 5D, Madison, NJ: www.explorelifein5D.com
Ilona Hress at Growing Consciousness, Madison, NJ: www.growingconsciousness.com
The Healers at Grace of Angels, Chester, NJ: www.graceofangels.com
The Muses at Awakening Earth Angels: www.awakeningearthangels.com
The Quantum Awakening, Dandridge, TN: www.thequantumawakening.com
Jackie and Tish at Inner Light Connections: www.innerlightconnections.com
Be A Part of the Shift, on FB: http://www.facebook.com/BeAPartOfTheShift
Sandra Guassi at The Angel Touch, http://www.theangeltouch.com/
Photos of the SUN, May 2013-Current
"The Journey Home" by Leigh LaMura
"Miracle from the Heart" by Irene Sonja Fanane
"Spiritual Unfoldment*2: The Ministry of Angels in the Invisible World of Nature" by White Eagle
(many thanks to Lillian at Sages Pages Fine Books in Madison, NJ)
"The Violet Flame: To Heal Body, Mind & Soul" by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
"The Light Shall Set You Free" by Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley McCune
"The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life, Volumes I and II", by Drunvalo Melchizedek
"The Book", by Alan Watts
"Conversations with God" Books 1, 2, & 3, by Neale Donald Walsch
"The Celestine Prophecy", "The 10th Insight", etc., by James Redfield
"The energies moving into the earth at this time provide a profound opportunity to expand our consciousness, to remember who we are, and to enjoy life the way it was intended - without suffering. Every area of our lives is being re-shaped, re-wired and re-membered. The old systems are now breaking down and new ones are taking their place. Out of chaos, we have the opportunity to make a quantum leap to the next evolutionary level."
Holistic Websites:
We have worked with the holistic practitioners listed below, and recommend their services to assist you on your path.
Debbie Carcuffe at Portal of Healing, Chester, NJ: www.portalofhealing.com
Donna at Willow Moon Herbals, Schooley's Mtn, NJ: www.willowmoonherbals.com
Donna at The Elemental Whisperer: Schooley's Mtn, NJ: www.elementalwhisperer.com
Tracey and Donna at Grace of Angels: Chester, NJ: www.graceofangels.org
Joan and Val at Under Angel's Wings, Chester, NJ: www.underangelswings.com
Kimarie Santiago at Saltopia Salts, Long Valley, NJ: www.saltopiasalts.com
Leslie Treloar at Meditations on Aanandha: http://meditationsonaanandha.blogspot.com/
Lisa Nixon at The Awakened Rose, Andover, NJ: www.theawakenedrose.com
Lynn Pridmore at Spirit Healing and Wellness, Chester, NJ: www.spirithealingandwellness.com
Lynn and Debbie at Center for the Soul, Chester, NJ: www.centerforthesoul.net
Maryrose Petrizzo at Custom Ceremonies 4 U, Delaware: www.customceremonies4u.com
Nancy Weber at Lightwing Center, Denville, NJ: www.lightwingcenter.org
Natalya Barth at Natalya's Interiors, Mendham, NJ: www.natalyasinteriors.com
Phyllis Alise McGeehan at Of the Sol: Morristown, NJ: www.facebook.com/ofthesol
Russ Berger at Aragon Lights: Chester & Paterson, NJ: www.aragonlights.com
Sal at Jindao Life: Whippany, NJ: www.jindaolife.com
Sharon Gabriel at Intiate Healing, Chester, NJ: www.initiatehealing.com
Sue Freeman at The Art of the Heart, Chester, NJ: www.theartoftheheart-chester.com
Susan Pedersen at Black-eyed Susan, Chester, NJ: www.blackeyedsusanart.com
Tracey at The Light of the Heart, Belvidere, NJ: www.thelightoftheheart.com
For those seeking a 'local ' Spiritualists National Union Church here in the USA:
Rev. Janet Nohavec at The Journey Within, Pompton Lakes, NJ: www.thejourneywithin.org
Ascension and Metaphysical Websites/Facebook:
Resources, Angelic and Ascension-related sites to assist you with consciousness evolution at this important time of transitional shift and awakening awareness.
Patricia Cota-Robles at Era of Peace, Tucson, AZ: http://www.eraofpeace.org/
Ilona Hress at Explore Life in 5D, Madison, NJ: www.explorelifein5D.com
Ilona Hress at Growing Consciousness, Madison, NJ: www.growingconsciousness.com
The Healers at Grace of Angels, Chester, NJ: www.graceofangels.com
The Muses at Awakening Earth Angels: www.awakeningearthangels.com
The Quantum Awakening, Dandridge, TN: www.thequantumawakening.com
Jackie and Tish at Inner Light Connections: www.innerlightconnections.com
Be A Part of the Shift, on FB: http://www.facebook.com/BeAPartOfTheShift
Sandra Guassi at The Angel Touch, http://www.theangeltouch.com/
Photos of the SUN, May 2013-Current
"The Journey Home" by Leigh LaMura
"Miracle from the Heart" by Irene Sonja Fanane
"Spiritual Unfoldment*2: The Ministry of Angels in the Invisible World of Nature" by White Eagle
(many thanks to Lillian at Sages Pages Fine Books in Madison, NJ)
"The Violet Flame: To Heal Body, Mind & Soul" by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
"The Light Shall Set You Free" by Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley McCune
"The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life, Volumes I and II", by Drunvalo Melchizedek
"The Book", by Alan Watts
"Conversations with God" Books 1, 2, & 3, by Neale Donald Walsch
"The Celestine Prophecy", "The 10th Insight", etc., by James Redfield
Patricia Cota-Robles YouTube video from Feb 13, 2013:
...and a little fun since we just love the "Moon"...
Our single earth satellite, called the 'moon', is roughly 225,000 million miles away from our beautiful blue-green earth. We wondered what the other planets in our solar system might look like if they were ONLY as far away as our moon. Apparently, someone else wondered this as well, and already had a YouTube video. (If you look closely, you will see Titan orbiting Saturn!)
Our single earth satellite, called the 'moon', is roughly 225,000 million miles away from our beautiful blue-green earth. We wondered what the other planets in our solar system might look like if they were ONLY as far away as our moon. Apparently, someone else wondered this as well, and already had a YouTube video. (If you look closely, you will see Titan orbiting Saturn!)