Beloved Ones, it is a time of change, from Darkness to Light, from suffering to joy, from anguish to celebration. This is a time that will be marked in your history books as The Beginning, for it is the beginning of the New Golden Age.
My heart fills with joy as I observe the blossoming of humankind, so long imprisoned by Darkness. You are awakening, stretching your mental and spiritual muscles, freeing yourselves from all dogma, depressing old ideas and feelings, and you are spreading your wings to take flight.
You, humankind, are known throughout the cosmos as the Creator Race, the Explorer Race, both well-deserved descriptions. Those of you who are incarnated now have no idea of the magnitude of the adventure we have undertaken together, which is now in the very last phase of completion. Your preparation for the Ascension of Planet Earth and all her inhabitants is a historic event by cosmic standards, and will be "one for the books" as you are fond of saying.
All the Universe is watching in anticipation to see how we execute The Great Project. It has been planned with great care, over thousands of years, through innumerable revisions, with the tireless leadership of Ascended Masters from the far reaches of the Cosmos who came to assist us.
Your ancient references do not name us, the Kumaras from Venus, who came here together during the Lemurian civilization some 100.000 years ago to assist in the development of the human species. They do not tell of the many races from your galaxy and beyond who contributed their DNA to your present brilliant combination of creativity, passion, intelligence and physical strength, and they do not tell of the hundreds or thousands of incarnations you have experienced here and elsewhere in your long development of your souls. The Dark Ones who took over control after the fall of Atlantis did not want you to know of your close connection to others. They preferred to convince you were alone and in danger. This way they could control you through fear and loneliness.