According to Ilona Anne Hress of Growing Consciousness, the aqua energies now streaming to earth represent an unconditionally loving aqua frequency being sent to assist humanity with the transition to our new 5D Selves. See her post with a more in-depth explanation on her website, and/or attend her monthly New Moon Planetary Activations at Sages Pages Book Store, 300 Main St., Madison, NJ 07940, 973-377-9473 (Located in the Staples Plaza.)
![]() In this photo, not only are the usual pink spots showing at the 12, 3, 6 & 9 positions, but I also managed to capture several cicadas in flight! One prominent one is at the 10 o'clock position and several others are visible as points of light scattered around the sun. The most interesting thing about these cicadas is that most folks cannot wait for them to leave. I am thrilled to see them again, and will be saddened when they leave because it will be another 17 years until I can visit with them and enjoy their company again, and hear their lovely symphony. I think these cicadas are exquisite - like a dragon fly - and that their gossamer wings shimmer in the sunlight as if jewel-encrusted works of delicate art. They won't be around for much longer, and the wait for their return in 2030 is a lifetime away. Enjoy their visit and be sure to take a moment to marvel at their beauty. Blessed Be! ![]() As you may already know, for the last week folks have been capturing photos of the sun with extra orbs or celestial-seeming objects around it, one even captured a rainbow or 'sun halo'. Today, I got home before sunset and snapped a few photos of the setting sun from my backyard. While I didn't catch a sun halo, I did manage to capture some of the amazing 'pink' rays emanating from the sun, including four distinct pink dots. See more of my photos here. During this month of May, some are calling this "Mother Mary" energy streaming toward earth. You can definitely see the pink rays in my shots below! |
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August 2019