I have learned much in the past few weeks since I garnered my resignation to the Company of Heaven. My insistence on full disclosure about what our reality is, and what they are going to do to help us brought a flood of new information, and an even greater closeness and trust between me and my beloved friends in higher dimensions.
I do not regret the adamant tone of my letter to them, but I understand now that they did not lie to us, but they did overestimate what we would be capable of accomplishing within the dark energy fields on Terra. This applied especially to the boots on the ground who are supposed to be doing the work to release the RV/GCR. We will not discuss or predict what will occur in that arena, but we will pray for a positive outcome for all.
I have learned several things which are now a permanent part of my own consciousness. The first is that we require a new concept of how God works with us while we are here. I am convinced that they are now helping us in every way they can. If they are not doing it, it is because we have not done our part to lay the groundwork, literally, to make their contribution possible. We must completely change the way we do business here, and we must do it now.