While the concept of a 'Collective Consciousness' maybe still be new to some, many folks are encouraged by the rate at which people around the world have embraced 'Oneness'. What happens to one has a ripple effect and touches all. Send out energy, and it will come back to you. Choose now, to send out positive energy so that together we can raise not only our own vibrations, but the vibrations of all the kingdoms that we encounter: animal, vegetable, mineral, crystal; the whole of Gaia herself... (See Read More below)
As our thoughts turn toward the start of a new year, we can't help but take a moment to ponder the events and happenings of the year that is coming to a close. 2013 has certainly been a pivotal year for most, as many folks awakened to the realization of our interconnectedness, our Oneness, our ties with everything we see, and our relationship to each other as the Divine beings that we truly are.
While the concept of a 'Collective Consciousness' maybe still be new to some, many folks are encouraged by the rate at which people around the world have embraced 'Oneness'. What happens to one has a ripple effect and touches all. Send out energy, and it will come back to you. Choose now, to send out positive energy so that together we can raise not only our own vibrations, but the vibrations of all the kingdoms that we encounter: animal, vegetable, mineral, crystal; the whole of Gaia herself... (See Read More below)
![]() As always, use your own discernment and take from this what resonates with you. Source Reposted from http://bluedragonjournal.com/2013/12/29/the-sirians-and-higher-self-a-new-year-a-new-self/ Posted on December 29, 2013 by Eliza Ayres Note to Reader: This piece began as a journal entry but became something quite different. For those who have questions about my manner of channeling, it is more a blending of the energies of those who are communicating through me and what is called my higher self. I had no concept of what was going to be presented before sitting down to write. While I realize that many channelers have specified times where they deliver their messages, it is not so with me. I first feel the energies like they are pressing in upon me, as if I am going to give birth. I sit down with my laptop and begin to type and the words flow like a spring full-force from the mountain-side. And so I flow with them, as concepts and words are woven into form by using the language within my consciousness that I have garnered through a lifetime of exploration into various cultures, religions and old stories. Since I am neither an authority nor expert on any of these matters, I will not and really cannot answer questions that might surface as a result of the reader coming to something that cannot, at least initially be understood. I suggest that you do as should be done with all channeled and written materials, sit with it, open your heart center and allow yourself to feel for yourself whether or not you resonate with the material. If you do not, let it go. I am discovering for myself that I am resonating to an entirely different level of channeled material than in previous years. And I use my readings not so much as something to follow but as confirmation or verification of what I feel and understand within my own being. You see, dear reader, each of us is being called to accept our responsibility or ability to respond to change by becoming sovereign and powerful in our own consciousness. As such, we can learn from each other for at a certain level we are one, but no longer can or should one individual lead others in the capacity of master or teacher, for we are all our own teacher and master now, in the process of reconnecting to higher self and bringing those energies down into our physical bodies. This is a huge undertaking and a tremendous change for what up until now has passed as physical existence on this planet. We are bringing to heaven to earth, by lifting up our physical vessels to be able to hold the energies of the most high god / goddess. Think living Ark of the Covenant and you will begin to understand the massive energies that we will gather in our living bodies. As above, so below is now in the process of manifesting physically in this physical universe. We are not alone in our efforts, but are supported by the Universe, seen and unseen. And the miracles will continue to unfold before our eyes and from within our hearts...
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