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Thursday, January 9, 2014 Jesus/Sananda - An Autobiography
I would like to tell the story of my life as Jesus. I am Sananda Kumara. This is my spiritual name - my soul name. When I came to Earth I was given the name Yeshua ben Joseph, but those who knew me when I was young called me Emmanuel. I will tell you many things that do not agree with the story of my life as it has been told in the Bible. Some of these corrections have been published in my New Scriptures, which were transcribed by the present scribe, Kathryn, who has agreed to take these messages and present them to the world until I am able to come to you in person. Some of the basic information also appears in her book, "Who Needs Light?" However, I will now complete the story by writing my own biography. I do this not because I care about whether people know me or not, but because of the implications it holds for my teachings. I do wish to bring accuracy and clarity about the message I intended to carry to Planet Earth, and it seems that now is a good time to do that. I will try to give you a picture of the basic elements of my life, and I will touch briefly on my fundamental beliefs, which are far more simple and consistent than the Bible stories would have you believe. I came to tell of my love of God, of the wonders of God's Creation, and to teach that Love is what truly matters in life, nothing more. I was born to my mother, Mary, in the spring (not December 25). It is true that she was a young woman, and that she was told by the Archangel Gabriella that she would have a child who was sent directly from God. The energy of Prime Creator was the source for the formation of the human body which was created in my mother's womb, so it is true that the infant body was not conceived in the usual way. Joseph, who became the true father of the child I came here to be, was a good man of great Faith, and accepted the responsibility for the care of me and the children who were to come later to our blessed family. It is not true that I was born in a manger, or that my parents were poor. We were surrounded by close family and friends; we lived comfortably and were afforded a good education. I had a brother, James, and a sister, Martha. Later, we were followed by a young brother whom we called Simon. I was also surrounded by close cousins, aunts and uncles who oversaw our growth and well-being, and who took pleasure in our company. One of my closest friends and schoolmates was Mary Magdalene, who was the love of my life from our earliest days. Now, it is important for all of you to know about the formation of my identity, because it will tell you a great deal about the great Love that God feels for humanity, and it will give you a glimpse into the workings and plans of the Company of Heaven. The person and the life you knew as Jesus Christ was planned carefully beforehand, with the foresight that such a life would bring enormous change and hopefully a new understanding of God's True Way. It was intended to raise the consciousness of the population of Planet Earth, which was mired in the struggle against Darkness, nearly overwhelmed by waves of invading Dark Ones who incarnated over and over, monopolizing the power and wealth on the Planet, as they continued to do until this past year, when the Galactic Councils were finally able to come to the aid of humankind in a more direct way. Chapter 24 - The New Scriptures as Given by Jesus/Sananda
Beloved Ones, it is a time of change, from Darkness to Light, from suffering to joy, from anguish to celebration. This is a time that will be marked in your history books as The Beginning, for it is the beginning of the New Golden Age. My heart fills with joy as I observe the blossoming of humankind, so long imprisoned by Darkness. You are awakening, stretching your mental and spiritual muscles, freeing yourselves from all dogma, depressing old ideas and feelings, and you are spreading your wings to take flight. You, humankind, are known throughout the cosmos as the Creator Race, the Explorer Race, both well-deserved descriptions. Those of you who are incarnated now have no idea of the magnitude of the adventure we have undertaken together, which is now in the very last phase of completion. Your preparation for the Ascension of Planet Earth and all her inhabitants is a historic event by cosmic standards, and will be "one for the books" as you are fond of saying. All the Universe is watching in anticipation to see how we execute The Great Project. It has been planned with great care, over thousands of years, through innumerable revisions, with the tireless leadership of Ascended Masters from the far reaches of the Cosmos who came to assist us. Your ancient references do not name us, the Kumaras from Venus, who came here together during the Lemurian civilization some 100.000 years ago to assist in the development of the human species. They do not tell of the many races from your galaxy and beyond who contributed their DNA to your present brilliant combination of creativity, passion, intelligence and physical strength, and they do not tell of the hundreds or thousands of incarnations you have experienced here and elsewhere in your long development of your souls. The Dark Ones who took over control after the fall of Atlantis did not want you to know of your close connection to others. They preferred to convince you were alone and in danger. This way they could control you through fear and loneliness. Chapter 23 - The New Scriptures as Given by Jesus/Sananda
This is the week you will remember for eternity. Your soul work has led you to the most remarkable time and place - the Shift into high gear, in preparation for your Earth Ascension. It is a magnificent endeavor we have undertaken. We join together with Mother Earth, all the Kingdoms of Earth, and all humanity to create a completely new experience, which all the cosmos witnesses with great interest. Why have we undertaken this Great Project, in spite of its level of difficulty? Perhaps it is like the old Mount Everest comment by Sir Edmond Hillary: because it is there. Because we are adventurers, dreamers and explorers. We hatched this plan together, you know, along with the participation of your beloved Mother Earth. She is the pivotal element in all this, of course. Without her equally enthusiastic agreement, we could not have considered something so daring. You see, planets usually ascend on their own, by making the decision, and raising themselves up to a higher dimension. Not this time. Our agreement is that we will all go together, planet and all its inhabitants in harmony. This is a difficult task for you - ascending to a higher dimension - but I would like to give you an idea of just how challenging it is for your dear planet. It is customary for a planet to simply go through the transition phase of leaping across dimensions while quaking, shaking, flipping on its axis and cleansing itself of all the residue of past civilizations. In most cases, the inhabitants are taken elsewhere for safety for a period of years. Not this time. We decided amongst ourselves to create a new way to evolve to higher dimensions, in concert, and in doing so we will accomplish a new form of harmony in the cosmos. You have all heard about the concept that we are interconnected, but in your 3D lives it was not at all clear to you how deeply we are intertwined, how powerfully we influence one another. This is changing, as the Veil is lifting and the cause and effect relationships of daily life become more obvious. The energies on the planet have brought the action/reaction event sequence to nearly zero point. That is, no space/time between an action and the result. A smile brings positive results; an insult brings Darkness on the attacker. The adage: You create with your intentions is now fully operational and speeding up every day. You are being prepared for the new experience of 5th dimensional creativity, when you will be able to think/create as one interconnected step. It is training for the proverbial "Be careful what you ask for" condition you will learn to enjoy in the near future. Yes, you, all of you who are alive now on the planet will experience the New Golden Age if you wish to remain alive for the final curtain. I did say if you wish to remain alive for a reason. You have a choice. You may either raise your vibration to the 5th dimensional level, or you may leave the planet in the usual way, by going through the death process. Anyone who is still breathing in this week of November 15, 2013, will be able to complete the Ascension process now. Chapter Twenty-two,The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus
As Given by Jesus/Sananda Chapter 22 Transcribed by Kathryn E May, PsyD November 8 2013 I am Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus. It is November 8, 2013. I am speaking to you from the deck of the New Jerusalem, the mothership of the Galactic Federation of LIght. It has been my home for some years now, since it was decided that we come to remain close to Earth, to oversee the Ascension process and to direct the gathering of the thousands of ships from the far reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy and even beyond. I am here in the company of my beloved Brother Ashtar, whom you know as the Supreme Commander of the fleet. I can tell you it has been a pleasure to work together on this ambitious plan, which we all designed together. Many times we have had meetings here with St. Germain, Mother and Father God, Archangel Michael and many others, in which we considered all the options, observed your progress on the ground, and planned new ways to help and encourage you. We have each watched carefully as our beloved Twin Flames carry out their work there on the ground. We admire their stamina and their ability to love unconditionally, in spite of the difficulties and stresses of life there in 3D, as we have called it, and we long for the time when we will reunite with them and with all of you. You see, even though there is no time for us in higher dimensions as it is experienced there on Earth, still we come to visit you, touch your faces, embrace you with unending love, and we feel the distance between us that the Veil creates. You cannot see us even when we stand before you in Love. You feel our presence; sometimes you call our name, and that is a glorious moment for us. In our love, we long for your touch and your company just as you long for us and Home. As the time for reunion draws closer, the sense of anticipation becomes ever more poignant. In spite of the difficult ending I experienced as Jesus, I greatly enjoyed the companions and friends during that life. We were so close, our hearts so entwined, our love so strong that it brings tears to my eyes to remember the fond moments I experienced there. Those who came for healing left a mark on me as well. I looked into the eyes of one who was lame or sick and my heart forged a permanent connection which I remember always. There were the joyful times of laughter and fun with my band of friends and my beloved Mary Magdalene, and the unforgettable moments when I looked into the eyes of my daughter, Sarah. I am grateful for every moment I spent there. Thursday, October 24, 2013 Chapter 21 - The New Scriptures as Written by Jesus/Sananda
"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another" - the spirit of those words rings in the consciousness of all the people on Planet Earth in this year 2013. Whether it echoes within the hearts of the American people whose Declaration of Independence inspired these eloquent words, or whether it rises in the inspiring calls to freedom across the Middle East, or it fuels the expressions of hope for insurgents in African nations where peace and dignity remain illusive, the spirit of freedom grows. It is the year of the New Beginning, Beloved Ones. It is the year which will be remembered as the beginning of new freedom, of throwing off the yoke of oppression, whether it be social, political, economic or psychological. As the events unfold in the coming weeks, you will gain new appreciation for the connection between these seemingly separate areas of life. There are artificial divisions, for instance, between the fields of study in your schools, as if learning about social issues were somehow separate from politics, and as if economics were an esoteric field relevant only to college professors and the secretaries of the treasuries of world powers. Nothing could be further from Truth. All humankind will be astonished to discover how one's family life and day to day well-being have been profoundly affected by the currency value of foreign countries, for instance. The details of international trade agreements may have been of no interest to you, but your work, your food and the state of your health are profoundly affected anyway. The Veil of Forgetfulness is falling away. Many of you are already beginning to remember past lives, and are sensing the echoes of past relationships in your interactions with people in your current lives. It will be a revelation to you when you begin to learn, through your own awakening and through the coming contact with your Galactic friends, that your history is not at all what you have been taught. In spite of astonishing discoveries like the underwater pyramids of Atlantis, your scientists continue to ignore whatever revelations do not agree with the limited understandings they have clung to. It is an irony, is it not, that the Creator Race can be so conservative in thinking that you are reluctant to change your minds, even when the evidence is presented in clear photographs by perfectly reputable people. It can be difficult to leave your pet teachings behind. Chapter 20 - The New Scriptures as Written by Jesus/Sananda
It is time to look forward with new eyes. You have lived through the Darkest of times on Planet Earth. The cloud is beginning to lift. You will all learn to sing and dance again. You will experience lighthearted fun even better than when you were young. You will remember how difficult it has been in recent years and the contrast will create such relief and joy, you will not be able to stop smiling. You see, from where we are in higher dimensions, we can see all the timelines leading to your future, and they all point to Ascension. You are beginning to understand the deeper meanings of what Ascension really describes. Of course it means rising up, lifting, moving upward, but it refers not only to the physical event but also the emotional and spiritual feelings you will experience when you raise your vibrations to a higher level. This is the important part - the state of your heart. It has been a long, dry period for humankind. You had lost your connection to your adoring Creator, who is Love. You had lost the happy connection to Mother/Father God because so many were taught to fear the judgment and punishment you felt were inevitable for your "sins." Ironically, the idea of "sin" was created by the Reptilians, who wished to instill fear in the hearts of all humanity in order to gain control over people's feelings. Once a person is living in fear, they are easy to manipulate. They will work hard to avoid pain and punishment. The irony of this situation is that the things they chose to identify as "sins" were so much a part of every human being's normal state that it produced a dilemma which is impossible to overcome. Until recently in the Western world, and still pervasive in the East, is the unfortunate fear and dread which young people have felt when they experienced a sexual attraction to one another. Rather than celebrate their deep response to one another, they feared disapproval of it from all their elders, who would predictably offer dire warnings and disapproving glances. Love was separated from the sexual expression of love, and a new dichotomy arose in relationships. It became common for individuals to experience love without sex and sex without love, but rarely the two combined. Other dilemmas were created when people became convinced that anger or disapproval of any kind should be completely banished, even to the point where self-defense became confused with "sinful" aggression. This was a convenient ploy which was used by the abusive Powers That Be who wished to disempower anyone who might be inclined to fight back to try to regain their freedom. It is a mind-twisting trick to convince a person they are bad for defending themselves, for rising up against an oppressor. It was a large part of my teachings to help people learn to express Love in all their relationships, and it is still the goal of our work toward Ascension. However, you begin as an infant who needs tender direction and acceptance before you can learn to accept all your feelings, all your impulses as a part of your glorious human makeup. Only then can you learn to manage the normal responses to life, which to a child include frustration, anger, envy and fear. These feelings can be brought into balance with steady support and kind direction - especially when it comes from an adult who is simultaneously modeling patience, affection and a long-range perspective. This kind of teaching is nearly nonexistent in the cultures of the Earth realm. Here, we hope to correct the tradition of intolerance and judgmental condemnation toward the very things that make you the brilliantly creative and powerful human beings you are. Those who stand in judgment of others pretend they are doing God's work. We must begin with the need to relieve your feelings of shame and guilt for small transgressions and idiosyncrasies which, I assure you, are not the province of those who stand at the Gate of Heaven. Shame is a toxic, destructive emotion. It is not the same as regret or remorse, which is based in a deeper integrity, the echo from your Higher Self. Remorse reflects a conscious concern for being in alignment with the Greater Good. Shame, on the other hand, is created by the fear of what others think of you, and can be largely unconscious. Those others who define you may or may not be accurate in their view of the world, and they have mostly misunderstood what God stands for. Chapter Nineteen - The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus
It is an exciting time, is it not? All of you who are reading this as it is published in October, 2013 are waiting for the global revaluation of currencies which will provide a leveling effect on the world economy and will lift those countries that have been considered "third world" nations out of their second-class status. Many are not aware of the changes happening behind the scenes. It seems as if the planet goes on, limping along, suffering at the hands of the rich and powerful overlords who have enslaved so many, instigate devastating wars and reap the benefits in increasing wealth and power. This is only the most superficial view - the one you will see on the media. The reporting is sensationalized, carefully culled to uncover the most fear-inducing representations of events. Fear-mongering is a favorite sport on this planet; it feeds the adrenaline junkies, as they have been called, and fills the coffers of the pharmaceutical companies, the entertainment industry, and the gun manufacturers. I have stated that I am here to teach a message of Love, Compassion, Truthfulness and Light. These are the opposite of fear. When you fill your consciousness, your body and mind with Love and Light, there is no room for the lower vibratoinal feelings of anxiety, depression and despair. They cannot exist in the same Universe, and you, Dear Ones, are a universe. Each of you contains the stardust and rainbows, sunshine and heartbeat of your Creator, just as I do. We are created to be expansive, generous and kind. Think of a baby's reaction to laughter. The baby will begin to laugh, wiggle, shriek with pleasure, responding with their whole body to the shared joy. Children are not the only ones who are capable of great sharing and great joy. We each have a funny bone; we each rise in our vibration as the laughter rises within us. It is indeed "good medicine," as the Native Americans used to say. Every child, in every culture on the planet, is capable of good and wonderful things. Each one of you began with hope and in faith. No lifetime is wasted; no soul is without value. Your birthright is to grow in wisdom and spiritual power with each experience, and to rise at the end of each lifetime to return to Creator to be welcomed home with Love and Compassion, regardless of the accomplishments or crimes, successes or so-called failures. In God's eyes, there are no failures, only opportunities to advance on your path, for every lifetime is followed by an extensive review, an in-depth exploration of all the twists and turns of your path. No stumble is condemned, but only illuminated. No transgression is punished; it is only revealed and examined, understood and forgiven. So, you see, this life is a laboratory experiment of your own making, to be later dissected for complete understanding. The only goal is to increase in your capacity for Kindness, Forgiveness and Inner Light. If a life of wrong-doing is the most powerful lesson, perhaps you arranged it for yourself, setting up the conditions which would make your fall from Grace inevitable. There is no better way to learn humility. Chapter Eighteen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus
I am so looking forward to the time when I can walk among you. This time it will be a celebration for all of us. We will be celebrating freedom - the freedom to define yourselves a sovereign beings under God, untrammeled by the control of the Dark Ones who enslaved everyone on the planet with their economic sleight-of-hand maneuvers. They had gained control over nearly every financial transaction in nearly every part of the world, siphoning off enormous wealth. The pervasive use of money to define every transaction between one individual and another became their tool to eliminate all trade that was not controlled by them. As you know, most of the world is now under the grip of that program. It allowed everyone to be taxed, assessed, and overseen in all the important interactions in their lives. This oppressive framework of control is being dismantled, nullified, because it was based on illegal practices. It is being replaced by a completely different system which will level the playing field, as you like to say. No individual or group will be permitted to control enormous amounts of money, as for instance the Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S. has done. It is already being dismantled, and its head has resigned. Taxes will be a thing of the past, for they are not needed when all individuals have access to the unlimited funds which were controlled by the International Monetary Fund and the Banks of each country, all of whom were in league to steal and hoard the resources of their countries. The noose around everyone's neck will be loosened, and you will all be able to walk away from the old system, debt-free. All debts will be forgiven, because the majority of the world's bank loans were written fraudulently. This illegality does not include, of course, those independent small banks which were established by the people to help each other, like the micro-loan lending programs which keep individuals - borrowers and lenders - in contact with one another. Imagine a life without bills to pay, in which all individuals are free to train themselves, with help from talented experts, to accomplish any creative endeavor they wish to accomplish. All community activities will center around celebrating the skills and abilities of its members, and the power of creativity will be unleashed in a way that was unimaginable under the old system. When no one has to work at a dreary job (most of which had to do with moving money and papers detailing the movement of money), all will be free to invent, organize for productive purposes, and help their neighbors. You will no longer be pressured to meet the schedule of a boss who is insensitive or rude. You will choose who you wish to help, and how you wish to use your creative skills. Chapter Seventeen, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus
There is much going on around you, in your own lives, in the world at large. The energies are rising, people are awakening, and the effect is rather unsettling for some. Your media outlets, especially in the U.S., are still pumping out stories that are made to create the greatest fear effect, because they still believe that horror stories get the most attention. They have not paid attention to the cute-kitten video effect on the internet, where some of the highest numbers of views are of kittens hugging dogs and dogs hugging babies. This is not so surprising, is it? Our hearts are stirred and our spirits lifted by the sight of a loving gesture, and especially when it comes from an unexpected source. We have a wonderful event in store for you, when you will experience the loving greetings of your Star Brothers and Sisters as they come to meet you in huge numbers - one for nearly every person on the planet! You will be learning wonderful things, Dear Ones, all of you who are preparing yourselves for your Ascension. You will not be asked to leap from 3D into the 5th dimension without understanding what that means. You will have special tutoring, classes in how to raise your vibration, and lessons in what to expect when you pass through the portals into the "Promised Land." Those of you who have been reading the messages from Mother and Father God and other Masters for the past few years are knowledgeable, and therefore not afraid of what lies ahead for you. In fact, you are so eager to cross the threshold that you are finding yourselves becoming impatient, and that is of course a lesson for you in something you need to gain command over - a reminder of the residue of a stressful life based on deadlines and expectations. Once you arrive in higher dimensions you will learn what it means to be truly at peace with yourself in the deepest possible way. There are no deadlines as you know them, although there are constantly changing events which carry their own impact within the flow of all things. Your Mother Earth's own ascension, for instance - her movement into the higher dimensions will necessitate that all her inhabitants raise their vibrations with her, as we have told you many times. It is truly the joy ride you have been anticipating for all your lives. |
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